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Edion at Gridserve Braintree Electric Forecourt

Edion at Gridserve Braintree Electric Forecourt - EV Awareness Day

On Saturday 8 October 2022, Edion spent the day at the Gridserve Braintree Electric Forecourt for their EV awareness day.  It was great to chat to the Gridserve customers about the Edion Protect Cable Protector and the Edion Hazard Warning Sign.

The EV charging cable protector and warning sign can ensure safer EV charging across pavements and driveways.  The Edion Protect Cable Protector is different to other cable protectors on the market as there is the option to secure the EV cable to the cable protector.  Not only is this safer for pedestrians, it is also quick and easy to roll and unroll the EV cable for charging. 

Edion EV Cable Protector at Gridserve Braintree

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